Life Is Some Way Bi

      Life is the most difficult riddle, puzzle or maze you will ever come across. No matter how hard you try, you can never understand how life works. Read along and enjoy my new piece; life is some way bi, which is a compilation of many funny, sad and contrasting instances of life.

Life is some way bi, yes, life is some way bi. Have you wondered why the lotto agent isn't rich but through him other people are made rich? What about the bad footballer who is now the best coach? Why is it that the rich lawyer who lives in that mansion with about four cars has no kids even though she’s tried every means possible? Meanwhile Auntie Ama, the poor woman who can barely fend for herself has 3 kids and is 5 months pregnant. Some kids are born with deformities not because of any fault of theirs but negligence on the part of their parents, why should they suffer for it?

     Now do you agree with me that life is some way bi? Why do good people die young but the wicked and evil men live long? When the church need help, the leaders ask the members but when the members need help, they are told to ask God, why? The teacher made the doctor, pharmacist, lawyer, police etc who they are, but he is the least respected, tell me why? Politicians beg for our votes so they can serve us, but we actually have to beg them to remember and fulfill their promises, why? So that good student was sidelined, but the other guy got selected, simply because he ‘knows’ somebody? Why why why?

     Believe me, life is some way bi. Do you know that, the beautiful girl you’re trying hard to get her attention is also in another guys inbox begging for attention? Why is it that every teacher teaches one subject but they expect students to be perfect in all the other subjects, not just one? So those who don’t have a good voice love to sing but those with the perfect voice want to be forced before they sing? You begged me to lend you money but i have to beg you to pay me back?  Indeed life is someway bi, those who want it don’t get it and those who get it too don’t want it. Those who deserve it lose it and those who don't are always lucky.

This is life, we can go on and on but you and I can never understand how life works, no matter how hard we try. Does it also mean we should stop trying? of course not! So is life fair? well, who am I to say. All I know is that ' life is some way bi'

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