It's been 5years, have we forgotten Atta Mills already?

Exactly 5 years ago today, we lost our former President H.E Prof. John Evans Attah Mills (may his soul rest in peace). I bet most of us don't even remember. I haven't seen or heard most of us talk about this sad and unprecedented event today like we did 4, 3 and 2 years ago so I'm forced to ask, have we forgotten him so soon? I believe we haven't. I managed to dig out this press release I posted on my Facebook wall in 2012, felt I should share to keep his memory alive.

H.E served as President of the Republic from 2009-2012 and was known for his hard work, humility and love for peace. We pray God continually comforts the wife and family. President John Evans Attah Mills, YOU ARE GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN!!!


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