He is Risen! a poem by Connie Campbell Bratcher

He is Risen!

Glad tidings ring so loud and clear
“Our Savior’s body is not here”,
“Come see the place where our Lord lay”…
Praise God! Christ Jesus lives today…
He is Risen!

Ascended to the Father’s Throne,
And yet, He makes His presence known,
Filling and indwelling the heart…
His Light and Life He doth impart…
He is Risen!

When everything seems to go wrong,
Our precious Savior gives a song,
And when we feel like giving up…
Our Living Lord just fills our cup…
He is Risen!

Christ arose the King of Glory,
 Let us go and tell the satory,
By His Spirit, new life He gives…
Hallelujah! Our Savior Lives…
He is Risen!

"He is not here; for he is risen, as he said.
 Come see the place where the Lord lay."
(Matt. 28:6)
From The EKOsystem we wish everyone a Happy Easter!
