Is It Church Business or Divine Direction? Some Christians defend whiles other crucify Otabil

Ghana is an interesting place to live. At one time it's sex tapes going viral,another time it's policemen being killed tomorrow, it's NSS personnels being beaten by soldiers, who doesn't love this country? But what do we have on our hands today? The social media uproar over ICGC's 'Special Offering'. The general overseer of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Pastor Mensah Otabil has been the topic of most Ghanaians, Christians especially, for about 3 days now. This happened after the church announced that the congregation should pay special offering for a corresponding blessing on Wednesday's edition of the ICGC 2017 Greater Workers Conference. The image below went viral and has raised alot of eyebrows, brought out anger, shock and argument among Ghanaians.
ICGC's Special Offering

Usually, I try my best to refrain from issues relating to 'men of God' because I don't want the wrath of God anywhere closer to my noble life. However, seeing how Ghanaians are expressing their views over this issue, pushed me to write this. I'm not here to take sides but to present the two views on the ground.

Some sections of Christians believe that, the act is discriminatory, fraudulent, selfish, unfair and un-Christ like. They don't understand why for instance, one should pay $100 to be assured of 100% life improvement. Does is mean if I can't afford this amount, i'm finished? What happened to ' ask and it shall be given, seek you'll find, knock and it shall be opened'? What happened to ' if you ask anything in my name, I will do it'? This is why i don't go to church, some said.

Another group of Christians also believe that, it is a divine direction and an act of faith. They believe that as a Christian, you need to sacrifice your substance to God, sow bountifully and reap bountifully. It works all the time so why should people get angry and criticize this spiritual exercise? after all it is not by force. Some have paid the amount without complaining so why should you, who is not even a member of the church criticize it? They believe that if you can't afford, just ignore it rather than insulting the man of God.

There's a video moving around believed to be a reply to those who are against the special offering. In the video Dr Mensah Otabil was telling the church that Christian belief defies logic. He said " Believe goes beyond logic. Logic would tell you what is probably, all things being equal. Logic would tell you that if you have GHC 1000 in your bank account then you can spend GHC 1000 because that is logical. Believe would tell you that if you have five loaves of bread, you don't feed five people, believe would tell you that if you have five loaves you can feed five thousand, that is not logical. Now many times when we say we believe, we believe according to logic" . He urged the congregation to ' stretch their faith and believe according to what is written that all things are possible'.  

Let me end by reiterating that, as Christians we shouldn't forget our main aim in as much as we do 'other things'. That is to live our lives as examples of Christ so as to earn as a spot in heaven when we die. God bless us all!

What are your thoughts? is this an act of faith or it's a carefully devised plan to extract money from members?Comment below


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