Four Things Everyone Must Expect To Face In Life

In this life, no matter who you are or where you come from, there are things or situation that are unavoidable, you can’t escape them. These things are inevitable, yes, they’ll happen to you so far as you’re a human being. The only thing you need to do is to accept these facts, brace yourself, condition your mind and prepare to face them when the time comes. In this article, I will list four situations to expect in this journey of life.

There will always be ups and downs

In life, there are times where you’ll be happy and there are times where you’ll be sad, times where you will succeed and other times, fail. It won’t always be a cool ride because every successful person once failed or had a down moment. As a matter of fact, rising when you fall is what makes successful people what they are. You just have to condition your mind that, even though you might fail at a point you will do your best to rise again.

People will surely criticize you

No matter what you do, whether good or bad, people will always have something bad to say. I remember some comments people passed when I started my blog; ‘now everybody is a blogger’    ‘I don’t think he wrote that, he must have copied it from somewhere’ ‘how old is he to start a blog’ ‘let’s give him one week’ ‘your blog is boring’ etc. These comments on a good day should dampen my spirit but on the contrary, I wasn't moved at all, I knew they would come anyway so I was more than ready. So my dear friend, just know that people will criticize you no matter what, tighten your seat belt and face them like a boss.

People will disappoint you

He forgot your birthday? She forgot to call you back? He didn't submit your assignment or project on time? They refused to help even though they promised? Yes, disappointments will always come your way, expect them. I won’t say people do that deliberately, maybe it’s our nature. Don’t just give up because someone disappointed you, be prepared to move on when disappointed. Personally, disappointments have been a blessing in disguise for me because, about 90% of all the things I've done, I did them after I was disappointed by family and friends.


In the end, sadly there’s death. I’m no prophet of doom but the reality is, we will die one day and our loved ones will one day leave us. Just have this in mind and continue doing the things you do and do them the right way. If you have any positive impact to make, now is the time because tomorrow is not assured. Death is inevitable!

These things are not meant to scare you, rather they are meant to make you understand the realities of life and accept them. These are facts and the earlier we know this, the better, because failure, disappointments, criticisms and death will always knock on our doors.

I hope you enjoyed this, let’s have your thoughts in the comments session! Don’t forget to share!
