Lion Mode

Since the year is still young, let me begin by saying happy new year! . Lion mode is a piece I read somewhere about two days ago. After adding a few touches to it, I believe sharing it with you won’t be a bad idea. It’s a motivational piece and I bet it will have an impact on your life this year. Enjoy

In the jungle:
1. The Elephant is the biggest
2. The Giraffe is the tallest
3. The Fox is the wisest
4. The Cheetah is the fastest

Yet, the Lion is the KING of the jungle even without ANY of these qualities.
1.  The Lion is courageous, is bold, walks with confidence, dares anything and is never afraid.
2.  It believes it is unstoppable.
3. It is a risk taker.
4. It believes any animal is food for him.
5. It  believes any opportunity is worth giving a try and never lets it slip from its hands.

1. You don't need to be the fastest.
2. You don't need to be the wisest.
3. You don't need to be the smartest.
4. You don't need to be the most brilliant.
5. All you need is courage
6. All you need is the will to try
7. All you need is the faith to believe it is possible.
8. All you need is to believe in yourself, that you can do it.!!

Stay in Lion Mode! That's the mode for winners! Lion Mode should guide you throughout 2018, Cheers!
