Social Media Disorder; take the following test to find out if you're addicted.

Each day, we wake up with a deep unexplained good feeling, a feeling that something good’s going to happen even though we can only hope. Suddenly the good feeling begins to make sense. Could it be because of the beautiful day? The jasmine filled atmosphere hovering around the sun-kissed skies, dancing its way into golden radiance? Unfortunately no! For most people, it’s another day to see and spend the whole day with our virtual family on social media!
One cannot downplay the importance social media come along with; relationships are formed, vital information is acquired, stories and jokes are shared and what have you. It’s all fun but hey, what’s the first thing on your mind when you wake up? To check up on your phone and hop on to social media? This, my friend is a serious addiction.

Do you hate interactions with people suddenly because you feel they are disturbing and you just want to get back to your virtual family? Are you detached from nature? Why are you using social media whilst in class, work or at church? Does the car honk at you because you were eyes deep into your phone you didn’t realize a car coming? Do you see yourself texting while driving or walking? These are clear indications of addiction.

According to Van Den Eijinden, R. J. Lemmens. J, S &Valkenburg, the Social Media Disorder Scale is a 9-question survey to distinguish healthy and unhealthy social media use. For each of the statements, answer yes or no
  1. Regularly found that you can’t think of anything else but the moment you will be able to use social media again?
  2. Regularly felt dissatisfied because you wanted to spend more time on social media?
  3. Often felt bad when you could not use social media?
  4. Tried to spend less time on social media, but failed?
  5. Regularly neglected other activities (e.g. hobbies, sport, church) because you wanted to use social media?
  6. Regularly had arguments with others because of your social media use?
  7. Regularly lied to your parents or friends about the amount of time you spend on social media?
  8. Often used social media to escape from negative feelings?
  9. Had serious conflicts with your parents, brother(s) or sisters(s) because of your social media use?

If you answered ‘’yes’’ to five or more of these, you meet a criterion for a formal diagnosis of a ‘’DISORDERED SOCIAL MEDIA USER (DSM-5)
The point is, don’t let social media replace your life. Be a master over it not vice versa, don’t get too attached and detached from the real world, it’s going to affect your human relationships. Do you have a DSM-5? Seek help from counselors, meet real people and advocates against internet addiction and have quality time with ‘real friends’.
You decide!   
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