Kofi Mole’s sad story of why he stopped going to church- ‘they gave my position to the deacon’s son’

How many of you knew Kofi Mole was a church boy? As a matter of fact, he was the drummer of his church until something very sad happened.

Earlier this week, the talented rapper/songwriter took to twitter to share a somewhat sad story about why he stopped going to church. And funny enough, no church member approached him to find out why he had stopped coming to church.

He tweeted, “ i used to play drums at sunday school. I was getting rewards from people due to how amazing i was. Sadly, they took that position from me and gave it to the son of a Deacon even tho his drumming skills never matched mine. You know what i did? I stopped going to church. and funny enough, no church member even bothered to search for me and ask me why they weren't seeing me in church."

We live in a society where they'll twist your hands and favor their own. This attitude has found its way sadly into our churches. I believe the church failed Kofi Mole, especially by not checking up on him. This isn't what our Lord Jesus Christ meant when he said be your brother's keeper.

We wish the Aporsor Gangster all the best in his music career and most importantly, his relationship with God. Meanwhile, NP Kofi Mole ft Kwesi Arthur- Mensah!
