Legalize Marijuana in Ghana– John Dumelo

According to actor John Dumelo, it’s high time marijuana is legalized in Ghana, insisting it has its own medicinal advantages. According to him, other countries have legalized marijuana for health purposes and it will not be out of place for Ghana to follow suit.
Speaking on Yvonne Okoro’s “Dining With Cooks And Braggarts” show, the actor compared the psychoactive drug to alcohol and cigarettes.

“When you go to some of the western countries, it [Marijuana] has been legalised for health purposes and we can also do same,” Mr. Dumelo said.
“If alcohol and cigarettes are legal in Ghana, why not marijuana,” he added.

Explaining further, the entrepreneur said what is important is that structures are put in place to ensure that the drug is not abused when legalised.

“If you look at places like Holland, California and Colorado where the drug has been legalised crime rates are low,” the actor said.
Mr. Dumelo also touched on his experiences as a father, saying helps his wife when it comes to babysitting duties in the house.
Asked exactly how he helps out, the actor said he sometimes feeds the baby and changes his diapers.
“I breastfeed, change diapers, put the kid to sleep and all those things. It’s a very daunting task but refreshing, and it’s a blessing,” he said.
He further described fatherhood as “nice, perfect and refreshing”, adding that it is a new feeling that he loves.

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Credits; Emmanuel Ayamga
